# User story - as a funder I want to know 'what's in it for me' Consider what 'perks' might be applicable and desireable to incentivize funding. ## Implementation ##...
# User story - As a project creator or delegate I want to specify in what currency (ETH or ERC20 token) want to receive funding. - As a funder I...
# User story - As a funder I want to know whether I can trust a project or delegate ## Implementation - Integrate curation market? ## Acceptance Criteria ## Notes...
# User story - As a delegate I take on a role of funder without limit rights. I can distribute funds, but not withdraw them, because as a funder I...
# User story - As a user I want to promote my project to create awareness amongst potential funders - As a funder I want to promote a project I...
# User story - As a funder I want to have some control over how my pledges are moved to other delegates and projects. While the delegate is free to...
# User story - As a funder, delegate or project creatooor I want to see where funding is coming from and where it is going to be able to check...
# User story - As a funder I want to be able to specify a commit period in which I can veto (#87) a pledge to a project down the...
# User story - As a funder I want to monitor a project in progress to decide on additional funding or dispute ## Implementation Specify use of milestones and potential...