# Problem Withdrawal flow exists, but is lacking an entry point. ## Implementation Add a way to open the withdrawal flow. ## Acceptance Criteria ## Notes As the process of...
# Problem Anyone can create a (project) page and add any contact name. This can create a situation where a funder funds a project based on the contact person. Making...
# User story - As a user I want a place to discuss progress with (potential) funders because transparent communication about progress can help manage expections. - As a funder...
# User story - As a frequent funder (e.g. Status PeopleOps) I want an overview of all new channels and Discuss threads so that I can easily monitor progress in...
# User story - As a user I want to have some guidance on what information is helpful to include in a full description, because I want to make sure...
# User story - As a funder I want to make sure a project I consider pledging is an actual project ## Implementation Currently, few fields in the project creation...
# User story - as a user I want to easily find projects that interest me - as a project creator I want to label what my project is about...
# User story - As a project creator I want my project to be presented in a visually appealing way and for the dapp to offer me a way to...
# User story - As a funder I want to efficiently check for new projects - As a funder I want to view all projects by the same creator -...
# User story - As a user I want to quickly find a specific project - As a user I want to quickly find a project on a specific topic...