Hi, so far we don't have such plans. For our use-case it suffices to use timestamps as strings and let the specific parsing be done by the application. However we...
See the comment in #41. Merging the current master should solve the travis-ci problem.
Hi vishnuvvv, okay, I think the error message could be formulated a bit more clear. No at means that there is no type given at root level ("/"). This type...
Sorry for the late reply, I somehow didn't notice your last comment when you made it. "nullable" and "required" are two different things. nullable describes if the value is allowed...
Hi @charlyraffellini, my main concern is, that this is not backwards compatible, e.g. if one used a schema using the types to define if something is nullable and not using...
Hi @charlyraffellini, sorry for no reply for so long time. The travis CI issue for the automatic PR checks should be fixed in the current master. I am not sure...