
Results 20 issues of herrdeh

### Issue Summary I'm using my andro to display parcel slips at the parcel shop. Each is one pdf doc, the clerk at the office has to scan all of...

## Classification: Bug ## Reproducibility: Sometimes ## Version AutoKey version: 0.95.10 Used GUI: Gtk Installed via: PPA Linux Distribution: ubuntu 20.04 - GNOME ## Summary Summary of the problem. Most...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** My script (see attachments) used to sort downloads to several directories eats up as much as 12% CPU due to...

Great app - my congrats! But: How can I make blender to render the background image? - is there a simple trick? Or do I have to import the background...

We had considerable discussion on the freebusy issue (#582, #25169, #696), as well it happens at [nextcloud](https://github.com/nextcloud/calendar/issues/39). After some consideration I came to the opinion that this issue should be...

I noticed that quite some apps are picky. They are not happy with the (gapps-free) location service provided on my phone, but explicitly want "google play services". An example is...

That quite likely is not a UnifiedNlp issue - but hopefully somebody here has an idea what to do... After 2 weeks of happily using a gapps-free UnifiedNLP I suddenly...

Unluckily, occasionally I need play services for certain apps. So I freeze UnifiedNlp in titBackup, unfreeze play services and use my app. Unluckily, after frezzing play services, UnifiedNlp is disappeared...

I like this project and immediately installed it to my phone, it already greatly improved location accuracy. IMHO, the "self-learning" approach is the highway to heaven. As well I like...


*.vcf ist der Standard für Adreßbüchern, mit den paar vcf2csv-Parsern, die kursieren, hatte ich kein Glück mit der Konversion. Daher fände ich es großartig, mein VCF-Telephonbuch direkt in Jfritz einlesen...