@abdrasulov Can you be more descriptive?
@decentration Thank you for opening this issue
@JoshOrndorff No description is in here. Can you be more specific what would you like to discuss?
@JoshOrndorff I see that nobody is taking care of it. Can I? Please give me more info. Thank you.
@JoshOrndorff Do not you receive notifications?
Finally all the pallet are converted from v1 to v2 : https://github.com/herou/recipes/tree/simple_event_frame_v2 @whereistejas @JoshOrndorff Do you want to check this and why not merging it :)
@JoshOrndorff Can you please take a look to this PR thnx.
I use Ormlite.
Try to change the device language.It worked for me :)
@bddap Can I tackle this one?