Nicholas Herold
Nicholas Herold
And here
I'd also use this functionality. But in the meantime could one simply use the current spi script but subtract PET from the precip data manually, before running spi? Essentially the...
Right I see, I think you're referring to the several lines from [here]( (there's clipping then an offset to ensure positive numbers). But this could be done manually pretty easily...
Ok I've tested the above steps and can confirm it produces virtually identical results. Image of a time series of the difference in SPEI between the two methods, from one...
Thanks @monocongo, and yes the pearson map is a separate thing, I shouldn't have polluted this issue. And I'm guessing it might just be poor fits of pearson to my...
Yes thanks @djk2120, I was literally writing a forum post then thought to look here. You said that leaf temperature can vary between sunlit and shaded but I'm having trouble...
It also looks like from line [1763]( that rh_leaf (or its sun/shade equivalents to be) should have unique values for each canopy level and thus be two dimensional - referenced...
So to confirm, if I wanted to write out canopy-averaged sun or shade rh_leaf would I need to correct this to properly record each canopy layer, then send it to...
Ah I didn't know that only one layer gets used, thanks. And re the bug in this issue, thanks but I've set up rh_leaf_sun_ln and rh_leaf_sha_ln to store local noon...
> These look fine to me. CanopyFluxes is passing in saturation vapor pressure, and Photosynthesis is expecting saturation vapor pressure. They are just using different names for the same variable...