
Results 11 issues of 北邮-刘畅

### In the model.py and the code for training, ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/49510831/94440273-11e75580-01d4-11eb-80e2-66706f36e56d.png) ### What is the difference of the "Generator3DLUT_identity" and "Generator3DLUT_zero" ? ### At first, in my opinion, the parameters of...

I have managed to run the code and I test on the same test datasets, only to find disappointing result. Is there anyone encoutering the same problem. Listed is my...

请问,大佬知道 dynamic shape 下的 getWorkspaceSize 如何写吗?静态的很好判断,但目前个人自定义的算子卡在了这里,还望大佬指点!

你好!我下载源码之后,直接把 pair 数据放在该放的位置,直接训练,训练好几个小时了,psnr 涨的好慢?是我哪里需要调什么吗? ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/49510831/141108724-6ce61480-0b34-4f5e-a5bd-bf7dfd779d42.png)

使用官方的 5 层 CNN,训练结果 使用 ResNet18,训练结果 使用 EfficientNet_b0, 使用 EfficientNet_v2 使用 neighborhood attention network, 请问有哪位遇到过类似的问题吗?

Although the enhanced results is somehow underexposed, it's good enough. However, more work may need to be done upon speed.

I have trained on PASCAL-VOC2007 with the pretrained resnet50. However, while test a single image, problem occured! ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/49510831/113995866-36aa3d00-9889-11eb-8729-3446786366ca.png) **Multiply results are the same and this is no coincidence.** ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/49510831/113996165-7bce6f00-9889-11eb-9904-54e529428405.png) ![result_17](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/49510831/113999437-a110ac80-988c-11eb-8b7b-ac9eb77980da.png)...

你好! 十分感谢你的无私开源,让我等小白好入门。 我按照步骤成功训练后,detect 达到的效果有点差?不知是否有什么 trick ? 如果可以公开 pretrained 模型就更好了!