+1 Following.
Also... I wonder if we can convince the maintainers to move FOMUS out of Sourceforge and into GitHub.
> > I'm unable to call ``, `f.midi` or `f.xml`. I see the problem is that the `fomus` executable is not present in my system's path. I am specifying the...
Hi @alok87 : please see the example included in my issue. The WPA starts spitting out `Unable to fetch no of messages` messages as soon as the container starts. There...
I generated temporary credentials manually using the AssumeRole. I believe it is working now. Previously my node's role permissions included the following as per [this policy]( ``` "cloudwatch:GetMetricData" "sqs:GetQueueAttributes" "sqs:ReceiveMessage"...
I feel like there may be something else missing. Even though I get no permissions errors, I am unable to trigger a scaling operation on the deployment. Any ideas? I...