Results 3 issues of HEPESU

1. 示例代码里area参数不正确,[示例文档](https://cloud.baidu.com/doc/BODY/s/ck3cpym4k)代码如下: ``` // 如果有可选参数 var options = {}; options["case_id"] = "123"; options["case_init"] = "123"; options["show"] = "true"; options["area"] = "100"; ``` 2. 希望示例代码里说明case_id不是单纯的string,而是只能是数字的string。如果有数字以外的字符会抛出错误码282004。该错误码并未在文档中说明。

In the first commit, I use a simple algorithm to group the fill results. It works, but not good. For the next release, I am trying using CNN to extract...

Automatic coloring tool can be disassembled into several parts, line-closing tool,floodfill tool, area classification tool, color design tool, shading tool. There are a lot of tools to fill the area,...