
Results 9 issues of Henry

Add ability to target a single asset. E.g. `app/console assetic:dump @AppBundle:css/styles.css`

Here's the config I needed to get this working: Using Guzzle5 adaptor. ``` swiftmailer: transport: %mailer_transport% spool: { type: memory } cspoo_swiftmailer_mailgun: key: "%mailer_mailgun_key%" domain: "%mailer_mailgun_domain%" services: mailgun.library: class: Mailgun\Mailgun...

Can you have a remote source and a local destination?

Currently the filter for dates offers before or after. It would be great to have 'null' and 'not null' options as well.


I've recently upgraded a couple of older sites to Symfony 4.x and Kunstmaan Cms along with it. I've noticed I can't add a HomePage if I have no nodes. I...

jquery.taghandler-hacked.js:464: `minLength: opts.minChars` The version of autocomplete I'm using seems to want minChars as well. Perhaps this needs to change to: `minChars: opts.minChars` ?

When editing an existing redirect I get an SQL error. SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'uid' cannot be null The SQL being executed was: UPDATE `elements` SET `dateUpdated`='2020-04-07 02:53:12',...

I'm trying to update an older Kunstmaan CMS site to Symfony 5. There are a lot of controllers in the project that extend the Kunstmaan Controller classes. I'm finding that...

I'm currently trying to test the following code: ``` {% extends 'AppBundle::base.html.twig' %} {% block body %} {% render "KnpLastTweetsBundle:Twitter:lastTweets" with {'username': 'knplabs'} %} {% endblock body %} ``` This...