Henry Oliver

Results 7 issues of Henry Oliver

Hey guys, When I run the `csscomb` targeting any `.css` file from my project the code gets formatted properly, but if I run on vim `:Neoformat csscomb` on the same...

I can't launch the plugin, maybe the error still exists. _NVIM v0.4.3_ init.vim ``` Plug 'ripxorip/aerojump.nvim', { 'do': ':UpdateRemotePlugins' } ``` ``` Error detected while processing function remote#define#request: line 2:...

Hi there, thanks for this plugin! Is there a way to remove extra line when sending the code to the REPL? For example: ``` mysum = 0 for i in...


Hey guys, great work on this malos API for wakeword! I'm working on a Hotword Detection/ASR with my new Matrix Voice, and I came with these 3 options to implement...

help wanted

**What?** A plugin that allows to quickly search a selected code with Grep.app **Why?** Try yourself: https://grep.app/ Being able to search and compare your code across a half million git...

help wanted

Hey guys, csscomb is globally installed on my npm and the csscomb vim plugin is runing fine, the problem is no matter what I do, the `:CSScomb` command does not...

Hi @Swizec, great job on this library! Very helpful here! Is there a way we can extract the media queries styles as well? My specific need here is the `media...