Julien HENRY
Julien HENRY
My understanding is that initialization options are not intended to be user-controlled, but more a way to customize the behavior of a language server depending on the client using it....
I think the confusion come from VSCode :) On VSCode, if by chance the command id returned by `textDocument/codeAction` matches a command already declared on VSCode side, it will directly...
I tried to load this solution from AWS SDK in OmniSharp v1.37.16: https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-net/blob/master/sdk/AWSSDK.NetStandard.sln There are 289 projects. It took 3min37 to load on my box (using the embedded mono). `sh...
This is not the dll, but the shell scripts of the scanner-cli that need to be chmod +x.
@Evangelink The scanner-cli packaging is fine. The permission is probably lost when it in unzipped, and then zipped again into to scanner-msbuild distribution.
Difficult to investigate without being able to reproduce. @rossimo in the HttpRequestTest#basicProxyAuthentication() method could you please try to comment: assertEquals("user", proxyUser.get()); assertEquals("p4ssw0rd", proxyPassword.get()); in order to see if the two...
Can you also check that the system properties -Dhttp.nonProxyHost or other proxy related properties are not defined for the JVM you are using.
Hi @lukaspj In SonarQube 7.6 we have started getting rid of our historically high coupling with Maven modules. The change that is affecting you is https://jira.sonarsource.com/browse/SONAR-11486 Basically, prior to 7.6,...
Hi, the device looks to be supported now (using bd8aed3620920728843c2e4f839a9d4bf71802b2), but none of the commands seem to work: ``` # ./headsetcontrol -? Found SteelSeries Arctis (7/Pro)! Supported capabilities: * sidetone...
Hello @Hakky54. We are not convinced a timeout will help, so we are likely going to disable the loading of Windows keystore for now, and we can reconsider later based...