大神您好!!能收到您的回复十分激动!!我立刻检查了一下您说的这几个地址,是正确的,我可以直接在vnpy(python项目)下正常交易。我用的是测试环境,目前还在交易时间。 因为我看到您的项目当中的一系列主动函数都是通过onFrontConnected这个回调函数来进行一连串的触发,我就想直接通过CTP来进行调用,一直出现问题,困扰我很久了。
This article maybe helpful:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/121786025
it might be caused by the empty doc object just edit the code around line 480 in coref.py: add `self.train_corpus = [doc for doc in self.train_corpus if doc.sents]` before `#...
The first question I can anwser you , It uses clusters, speakers, genres as features, but the speakers and genres is not necessary.
The second question maybe solved by https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/121786025
pip install tensorflow-gpu==1.14
> why report KeyError: "Unable to open object (object 'pt' doesn't exist)" when I use predict.py Because the hdf5 stores the embeeding which already preprocessed before, if the word is...
That 's ok, maybe you need to train a model of your own
It means that the data_path which is written in the extract_features.py is not under the ./, you should change the input_file path to where your trainfile is or put your...
I have the same question, is there anyone can explaining the use of train_mgpu.sh?