Henry Chladil
Henry Chladil
Nice! Thanks @hynek My use case is about dropping a metadata type field from a collection of classes. So e.g. `repeated_field_name` might be on 10 classes, but I want to...
+1 this issue. Support for detecting changes to a `native_enum=False` "enum" (check constraint backend) would be very useful. Has anyone been able to workaround altering the check constraint reliably? I...
We also experience this issue, it is to do with the zoom level. Any attention to this bug would be greatly appreciated
I am also receiving this error with CLION 2016.3.3 for Mac OS X El Capitan
lxml seems to be calling the C code in here https://github.com/ConradIrwin/libxml2/blob/master/HTMLtree.c Doesn't seem like an easy fix which seems crazy given how common an `indent_spaces` type param is for pretty...