Henry Borchers
Henry Borchers
hmm.... I think you're right that it might be different. I'm getting this error on all of my projects on Windows (Linux and MacOs doesn't seem to have an issue)...
It wouldn't be the first time that I've had subprocess issues with file permissions that only are a problem with Windows.
According to the [CMake docs](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/module/CTest.html ), it's best to use a "include(CTest)" and put tests inside an "if(BUILD_TESTING)" block
I have not found an eloquent way of handling this either. It's kinda annoying.
> As an alternative, it would be possible to support explicit specification of argument types in the Jenkinsfile Runner CLI arguments Oddly enough, I actually like that better. It's more...
For example: --arg BUILD_PACKAGE=boolean:true
That's a shame that I'm unable to get this to work. Without either a docker image or an easy way through homebrew, I'm unable to test out jenkinsfile-runner. It's been...
I notices that. Unfortunately, it doesn't help me in my case. In the meantime, is it possible to create _skbuild as a subdirectory inside the default "build" folder just like...
Good idea. I'll take a look and see if I can write and contribute a patch. For my use case... I'm using my main CMake script to call python setup.py...
I’m only creating a bdist wheel and an sdist. I’ve never used —egg-base.