Henry Boisdequin
Henry Boisdequin
Currently, we output and print the value of our API request in our tests. We need to check manually if everything looks fine. If anyone has any ideas where we...
Some routes such as [Press Releases](https://finnhub.io/docs/api/press-releases) are premium and require the user to pay for a subscription. It would be great if we can support these (same method as all...
Fix commented out `Client` methods (errors happen because the response object is not what we defined in our struct (`types.rs`)) Also, the features of Finnhub which haven't been implemented yet...
In the README.md and top of src/lib.rs is where the documentation lies. It would be better if we had a description of what Finnhub actually is, the versioning, and the...
Fix docs regarding how to use Finnhub API with the changes implemented by #1 Now, to create a Finnhub client we use `Client::v1` instead of `Client::new`
Firstly, I have to say this is a great tool if you are a medium writer. My article titles are quite long and get cut off in my [Github profile...
When I go to https://play.rust-lang.org/about it just shows a blank screen. Instead, it should show a 404 page, pointing the user to the playground or something like that.
Closes #4