This is an omission in the python code. Apparently the newer firmware have a record of type 05, and this is not implemented in the python library. The code accepts...
Actually, I think it's ok. As on that wiki page, the 0x05 record means the value should be written to the EIP register. However, these chips have no such register.
I am probably having the same issue for a H6400. And I'm a developer. So looking into it.
The paring with TV's simply is not functional in this version. I am working on merging this version wigh eclair's working pin software, to get it to work. If you...
The error is on a line configuring the logger. If I comment out the line, the tool produces: > Unable to discover any TV's
Oh, to be clear, If i do: > the TV starts netflix.
Addendum, this does work: https://github.com/eclair4151/SmartCrypto So basically it should be able to control this TV..