Meinrad Recheis
Meinrad Recheis
It is very unfortunate that does not work in a private tab in Firefox because usually when there is an issue that is caused by the application cache, opening...
I agree. That would be totally awesome
Interesting. Not sure how much work this is gonna be. Try.MudBlazor compiles assemblies on the fly and injects them into the browser cache before reloading the iframe and restarting Blazor...
You are right, it would be awesome to have something like that for MudBlazor. I guess it would be a lot of work though
@Garderoben @JonBunator ?
Is that something we could/should fix in the main library (MudBlazor)?
> 收到你的Email了 Please communicate in English, thanks.
> so i guess just swap hotfix to be main and old main rename to "wip"? ok
Thanks a lot @ScarletKuro
it should be static, this is a bug