Henk Mollema

Results 6 issues of Henk Mollema

Currently the `elem._blazorFilesById` field with the file map reset every time the `change` event is triggered (e.g. when a new file is selected). This causes issues when selecting multiple files...

v2 of Dapper.FluentMap will bring several new features and bugfixes while maintaining a simple API. ### Improved configuration - More flexibility - Inline mapping builder (separate classes are still supported...




- [ ] From-queries - [ ] JSON - [ ] Delete multiple

A `foreach` loop uses the non-generic ` IEnumerator GetEnumerator()`. This currently uses `_parameters.GetEnumerator()` which returns the enumerator of the dictionary, which returns `KeyValuePair`'s rather than `ClickHouseParameter`'s. This causes an error...