Okay, I'm going to try again, but now with my laptop and phone turned off in the menu clock, logo, weather and pexels set the delay to 1 min tested...
the log file from above, screen saver on logo was selected and the phone was on same problem with the screensaver clock, weather and pexels I tested it again and...
I use : - 7 inch dsi connector tft lcd-scherm capacitieve touchscreen - kandinsky-official.7.0.img - aparte savers clock or logo - touch screen and sometimes an iPhone ( to select...
iI'm using wired connection. then change the radio station or volume with your phone (always check the touch screen to see if it still works) and after a few times...
Hi, I understand that. What language do you use? Dutch ? I have now switched to English and it seems better. I do not understand that ! test it some...
radio station : pop sky-radio i use hifiberry-dac , i change /boot/config.txt see https://www.michaelplaza.nl/pagina?function=open&id=216&readonly=1
Hi, I did that, unfortunately it doesn't help If I restart in the configuration screen, it doesn't go away either When I look in the terminal window with the command...