@PeterOrneholm Thank you for looking into this. I came up with ~2830 simply by trying to subtract from the original (json) string causing the reported issue in production. The sign...
@varmad Witch php version are you running Genghis on? The Genghis app does not support the mongodb drivers for php7 as of now. For php5.6 on ubuntu/debian you chould be...
@varmad if you are running php7 [this might be useful](https://github.com/bobthecow/genghis/issues/228#issuecomment-305529008) for the time being.
This project does not seem to be alive anymore so porting to the php7 extension might not be possible without contributions from the community.
An updated, yet unofficial version of Genghis will full php7 support is now available from [this fork](https://github.com/henkealg/genghis) with the latest release [available here](https://github.com/henkealg/genghis/releases/latest). This version requires one additional step when...
@julien-c nice work with Mongoku. I created the php7 fork mainly because I liked the simplicity of Genghis (despite the memory issues with large data-sets) and because I wanted to...
Hi @rhclayto , a ported php version of Genghis can be found [Here](https://github.com/henkealg/genghis/releases/latest). This version makes real use of the new MongDB driver and php-library (composer mongodb/mongodb). I have used...
This project is abandoned, or so it seems. :|