
Results 20 comments of ShowMeCode

I found that results get better if I delete --use_disp in ` if is_finetued: cmd += f'--ckpt ./runs_fine_tuning/{scene}-ft/ckpts/latest.tar --use_disp'` The code is in renderer_video.ipynb file. So the problem is still...

same problem here. And I check the training and rendering setting. They are same.

Well, I used `pip install pytorch-lightning==1.3.5 inplace_abn imageio pillow scikit-image opencv-python configargparse lpips kornia==0.5.11 warmup_scheduler` to install packages. But I got 'The CUDA version(11.5) detected is not the one used...

Another reminder: Remember to do 'pip install imageio-ffmpeg' if you want to rendering videos. Can authors check their code and make a good guideline? :-(

Thank you for your impressive work. It means a lot to me. Please use citation keys as the name. Usually, I find a paper using the tile instead of the...

Yes. I interpolated camera poses from pose1(the first image) to pose2(the second image). You can see that only trained poses can have a good render performance. ![000]( ![001]( ![002]( ![003](

Hi @dsvilarkovic, I haven't solved the problem. If you have any thoughts on this, please let me know.

@dsvilarkovic Thank you for your solution. It solved my problem (not perfect but at least make sense). But I still don't get it. What cause this difference?

Sorry, I did not explain it clearly. I use colmap gui and command line to get raw camera data first, then I use LLFF script to convert the data to...