
Results 85 comments of Hendursaga

@eli-schwartz sounds like an improvement. At the very least I'd like to see a more helpful permissions request..

Another idea would be to put the models on [AcademicTorrents](https://academictorrents.com/) - I could help seed them.

There is also a concern that the default location is not [XDG-compliant](https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html)..

@etu it would appear this eval.in provider is obsolete? https://archive.ph/JfVNN gives me an idea of what you were aiming for, at least..

There is also e.g. `markdown-code-block-lang`, `markdown-code-block-at-point`, etc.

> I remember @Ambrevar having some especially good arguments against changing the syntax Now that you mention it, I think I recall something like that.. So then, what's the next...

Hmmm, perhaps adding a `toggle-run-from-repl` command might be a good idea, even if not for my particular case?

Stop the presses! The [new stable WebKitGTK release](https://webkitgtk.org/2022/09/16/webkitgtk2.38.0-released.html) supports PDF documents out-of-the-box using PDF.js!

An update: on 855f8ba374c513c8f795a0d66afe319c983a48f0, I can now run `select-frame-new-buffer` and it opens the cookie consent frame, but now I'm getting error messages with no real message to them, like `...

@aadcg I actually haven't used this feature before I found out it was broken - I was looking for bugs to squash! :bug: Now it doesn't show any frames to...