Hendrik Kleinwaechter

Results 23 issues of Hendrik Kleinwaechter

Is there a way how you can recreate the full hierarchy of a model with one query directly in the database? Has anyone attempted something similar? Thanks, -hendrik

I was wondering if someone has ever tried to make the praat commandline interface available via an API or something similar? Any tips/suggestions? Thank you.

I have been busy experimenting with pizza and found a few good ideas to simplify/enhance the recipe. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/816859/71666735-8931ab00-2d62-11ea-8960-60b1c47f354f.png) 1. I will change the shaping of the dough balls part. 2....

Hi sorry for the stupid question, would like to submit a pull request. How can I set everything up locally and compile a new version? Are there any tests I...

On mobile browsers the color of the dough type dropdown is blue, the rest is black. Ideally the font color should be the same as on the other inputs. ![IMG_4711](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/816859/190587382-1367076f-552c-461f-bc15-91da85a2e2f1.PNG)

I received some reports that some people have issues reading the serif font in the book. Just adding this as a reminder that I'll add another version to the build...

Work in progress to attempt to resolve issue #59

For some reason all images except the first one on the cover page are displayed as ? in the book. I re-used the same image. Why wouldn't it display? The...

Uses latest image by default. For releasing the book and website a new image is built and stored as "latest".