Hemantha kumara M S
Hemantha kumara M S
/kind bug **What happened**: Trying to push the model into the harbor registry. harbor login is successful but ormb push is failing with the below error ``` sh-4.2# ormb push...
**Is this a BUG REPORT or FEATURE REQUEST?**: /kind feature **What happened**: I am trying out ormb commands to push models into **demo.goharbor.io** 1. Executing ormb commands from Linux VM...
I tried to update one of the component latest container image using manifests `kustomization.yaml` `newName `field and executed `kfctl set-image-name` to update registry field with private registry, set-image-name is not...
# Expected Behavior https://github.com/tektoncd/triggers/tree/main/docs/getting-started All jobs should move to the completed state # Actual Behavior send-cloud-event-pod task is failing with the logs 'Currently sendevent only supports JSON event data' #...