Tomas Hellström

Results 33 comments of Tomas Hellström

The first part "Correct parsing of ip6 address" is not implemented (yet). . I did get it to work just using localhost or the hostname. I used the script above...

My logic is quite simple. If any non gps tracker is home, the person is home else set same state as gps tracker unless gps tracker did not report new...

It always shows the sensor data, it would be a new feature to show something else, like an attribute.

Not sure what you mean. These gauges do not handle dates?

This was a new one :) Will check it out this weekend.

Good to hear it all worked out. Yea I seen problems in the IOS app displaying gauges too

Thanks I will check this out and deploy new version

Made new version now, can anyone confirm it works?

Yea sorry about that. It is not implemented.

try reaload gui?