react 16.14.0 works for me (tm)
A CI workflow which works around the issue is this: ``` middleware-publish: image: node:latest script: - cd middleware - npm ci - npm run build - npm config delete "@inode:registry"...
I run ito the same issue as @rodiegeology . I also tried to run it in python directly, but the result remains the same: The python interpreter dies. Do I...
It appears like the first argument `rowOrVirtualRow` is sometimes empty during drag. If we look at virtualRows and rows, we can observe that in the moment when dragging starts, `virtualRows`...
If you mean the tooltips for e.g. the sorting button, then yes. In normal view and also in fullscreen 
I am working on this one (at least, i want to share it, once i got it up and running). However, I am uncertain if configuration is correct and how...
ok. just a hint (for me): When running in the spark cluster in standalone mode, then the `spark_user_shell` should be `/bin/bash`, not `/bin/false`
I reject to mark any of the checks you want me to check. Its not code I commit, just docs
same here :( And due to this, precise-commits is not differnet than pretty-quick
I have asked a few colleagues. Appears to work as intended on macos, but not on windows.