Roman Dodin

Results 189 comments of Roman Dodin

With and clab will clone the repo referenced by the URL.

@steiler this is similar but different

What was your installation option? Did you use the script or tried the installation via the package manager?

yeah, not much we can do about this you can download the package from gh, not sure if they managed to get v6 though :D

at the time we didn't have anyone providing free hosting for deb/rpm/apk pkgs for OSS projects. if you happen to know one, do share

oh sweet, I reached out to packagecloud as well, so we have two options now

thanks @adrianosela this is cool. Will have to try it out somewhen in the next few weeks

No worries @adrianosela, it is fine to have gaps in test coverage for the parts related to b0 integration. So for my understanding, is email/pass-based auth is completely legacy and...

@adrianosela after playing with this a little bit I wonder why do we want to tie this in to containerlab via the tools command? This seems to be a generic...

@derailed it seems that readme points the readers to container registry and there the latest release is v0.30.2. Whilst the derailed/k9s on docker hub has all latest releases, but...