Roman Dodin

Results 189 comments of Roman Dodin

@awrog any menu item will lead you to 404 page @david-j-m this is a known issue, see the PRs to this repo. its just happens to be that repo owner...

this is really annoying =)

is it possible to change the download link to a custom value or remove it completely?

Hi Is this project stalled at this time? Looking for a way to update algolia index on a new blog build within the CI

thanks @chrisdmacrae used it in the CI pipeline and it works like a charm

I wonder if HEAD requests are not affected by rate limiting? I find that using Get with Range=0 is not great for link checking...

Hi @robskillington I take it you never started working on this? Or is there anything someone can continue to work on for that issue?

same occurs on my project. It is not 100% reproducible though.

@squidfunk integration via github issue could be a very easy/viable option. Same emojis can be used.

Things I wanted mkdocs-material-blog to have above the mentioned ones: 1. searchable tags 2. archive page will all posts chronologically ordered 3. support for an author profile that can be...