Howard Liberty
Howard Liberty
Stay on the same card number when navigating to a deeper screen. Refresh the content if the card is edited in a deeper screen
Support customized grouping similar to quiz mode
After search, highlight the searched keyword
Investigate how to integrate with MDict.
Currently if the number of rows of "cards" and "learning_data" mismatches, it will discard all the learning data. Ideally, AnyMemo should try to intelligently tell if the cards are appended...
Example: User need to duplicate a card and swap Q/A, which needs multiple actions to complete. Preferable user should be able to customize an action to complete multiple actions like...
The landscape UI is not keeping the same arrangement as portrait mode. We can use two columns instead of one column for the buttons.
Add option to customize volume up / down button grade****
Original [issue 345]( created by helloworld1 on 2015-01-14T19:26:09.000Z: What is the feature you want? Hotkeys at least for Save, Edit and Next - Previous card (in Prewiew/Edit mode) How important...
Original [issue 232]( created by helloworld1 on 2013-06-10T05:26:00.000Z: What is the feature you want? 有时想要做听写练习或口译,第一次没听清楚,想再听一下时,如果点击问题,会无意中看到问题内容,这样有碍达到完全盲听的训练效果。如果能有一种“纯听力”的学习模式,即屏上任何内容都不显示,点击屏幕后才将答案和问题一起显示出来,同时在屏幕的左、右下角,评分按钮的上方加入[朗读问题]和[朗读答案]两个按键。这样也可以达到不看问题和答案的内容就可以操作语音朗读的效果。那么对于听力的训练效果应该有很大提高。 How important is it to you? 很重要。自认为是作自我口译练习的绝佳方法。 Do you think other people also want this...