@nmber5 hello,i meet some error when i run the FSRNet code.Which packages have you installed for lua. This picture describe the error, do you know how to fix it? thanks...
after i downloaded the dataset,there are some .txt files,including train.txt,train_gt.txt,val.txt,val_gt.txt,which files are needed in your code?sorry to bother you ,I don't quite understand your code
does the train.txt need to change to include the ground truth label,just like this "/driver_23_30frame/05171102_0766.MP4/00020.jpg /laneseg_label_w16/driver_23_30frame/05171102_0766.MP4/00020.png 1 1 1 0",especially the "1 1 1 0"?Or we still need to include...