
Results 45 comments of hellodword

> @Aniketh01 Did you manage to get this fork to work? Moreover how did you test QUIC traffic? I have installed that fork in an Ubuntu VM to try it...

> Finally, we could consider developing Python bindings for one of the Rust implementations (Quiche/Quinn/Neqo). This would be fun to look into, the downside of that approach is that it...

> This is potentially something we could do. Are you not interested in this feature anymore? Oh sorry, I thought there's no replies. I'm very interested in this feature, and...

Sorry to ping this issue, just report the status: Nextcloud Liquid for iOS with Nextcloud Server 24.0.2 still can not select an encrypted folder for the automatic image upload,...

The biggest challenge for me is developing or choosing a script and its interpreter. I have no experience of this before, but rod has a good [api](https://github.com/go-rod/rod/blob/14ebb72947cc99e916ed97897473be2b6c64f39d/page_eval.go#L195-L197). :smile: I will...

> If this happens, I'd like the feature to be optional if it require a lot /complex of external dependencies. I'm trying to maintain shiori as simple as possible and...

Hey, I created a simple demo. https://github.com/hellodword/web-archiving-with-headless-chromium-demo ```sh env rod=show,bin=/path/to/chrome go run . ``` It's very simple, but provides custom `post.js` for hooking and `pre.js` for scroll/click/... And use singlefile...

> it is heavily dependant on SingleFile Right, and it's buggy in this demo. 😂 But it's optional, just like the archivebox, archivebox has multi saving modes, singlefile is only...

Right, it was a demo so I directly use singlefile as an embedded dependency, it could or should be act as a `plugin`. I think nowadays archiving tool do not...

> 感谢,成本激增是 RSSHub([https://github.com/DIYgod/RSSHub/pull/7419)和荐股号影响的么?](https://github.com/DIYgod/RSSHub/pull/7419%EF%BC%89%E5%92%8C%E8%8D%90%E8%82%A1%E5%8F%B7%E5%BD%B1%E5%93%8D%E7%9A%84%E4%B9%88%EF%BC%9F) 和这两件事应该关系不大,一万个不到,量很小的,rsshub 则是请求 github,这种请求对项目本身也不会有影响