Michael Hellicar
Michael Hellicar
> @hellicarusprime Just wanted to check since the test has failed. Are we supposed to make any changes? Cc: @adeniyiao
Hi @FKOV could you provide a screenshot for context? Thanks
Hi @FKOV this was changed to adhere to the most recent [AMEX brand guidelines](https://secure.americanexpress.com.bh/merchants/website-assets/downloads/American_Express_Guidelines.pdf).
Hi @aubreytayloracn, what's the rationale for having 2 cards layered like this? It makes it very difficult to understand what I'm looking at. Could you also avoid using a gradient...
Hi @aubreytayloracn, [here are our guidelines for icon appearance](https://github.com/activemerchant/payment_icons/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#appearance). The one I'll call out is that `icons are clear and easy to read/understand`. Looping in @adeniyiao to get is opinion...
Hi @shawnr42 please submit a PR to replace this icon. You can find our contribution guidelines [here](https://github.com/activemerchant/payment_icons/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
Hi @svpa82—could you please add a visible border to the icon? See our [contributing guidelines](https://github.com/activemerchant/payment_icons/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#appearance).
Hey @svpa82, the border should be (hex color #000) with a 7% opacity (0.07). It also looks like you might need to adjust the border-radius as it doesn't look right...
> Hi @hellicarusprime and thanks for Approval. How long time do it normally take for the the new icon be be able to select as Payment Method for the App...
Hi @wajihkm the icons look fine from a contributing guidelines perspective, but I wanted to mention that the one for Aman looks a little off with the space at the...