> you get code_checkpoint > > then you send the same request to the same address, but in the method you specify method=captcha - you get the following response: >...
> Thanks @salykingleb you're the savior of my night. Did you manage to solve the part of the captcha_verify API, to receive the registration code? I couldn't do that part...
Hi, I have the same error: root@app01:~/yowsup# python3 ./yowsup-cli registration -r sms --config-phone 554784024625 --config-cc 55 --config-mcc 724 --config-mnc 05 -d D 2023-10-30 09:31:54,181 yowsup.config.manager - load(path_or_profile_name=5547984024625, profile_only=False) D 2023-10-30...
> Just re-ask the code with "method" = "captcha". In the answer you'll get "image_blob" as PNG containing the code. enjoy I don't understand how to make this change. I...