
Results 4 issues of helarsen

Hello, If distro is _not_ using firewalld but **iptables**, then the script does _not_ open the server port/udp in the firewall. Script says (irrelevant stuff deleted) ``` if pgrep firewalld;...

there is a memory leak in the find_camera.cpp in get_id() function. There is a return statement inside the while loop which bypass the release() of the resources.

Added: get_serial_device_list() which finds and lists all COM ports and their associated serial number of Boson which are attached Added find_video_devices_win32() which lists all the FLIR Video devices and their...

To run a job only once the manual says: ``` def job_that_executes_once(): # Do some work ... return schedule.CancelJob schedule.every().day.at('22:30').do(job_that_executes_once) ``` The problem with this implementation is that in case...
