
Results 13 comments of Heku

Yes, I thought it's a regex issue, but after debugging I found it's the emum doesnt have that value. I have no.idea to fix it, so posted it here.

I have the same problem, sad to hear EFP not support this so far. So is there any workaround work for this?


Thank you @elgonzo , here's the code. [JsonNetBugDemo.zip](https://github.com/JamesNK/Newtonsoft.Json/files/12567586/JsonNetBugDemo.zip) And here's my test result. ![image](https://github.com/JamesNK/Newtonsoft.Json/assets/3367199/165923f6-0962-40c1-9451-c77cb657a74d)

Also, I tried changing the framework version to 4.7.2, and can get same exception. I can also confirm that I can reproduce the _issue_ on different computer.

Looks like the https://dotnetfiddle.net/bw3oKz is using a old Json.NET version 11. ``` 4.0.30319.42000 Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed DONE ```

@dgozman thx, however our app users dont think so, a 20M+ size pdf (80 pages) is not acceptable to them, as a comparsion, the untagged pdf is smaller than 1M....

Thx, glad to know that the chromium team had noticed the issue, but I'm just curious why manually change the drop down to other option then back could lead to...

Yes, you are right, call stacks are different, each `await` keeps current call site in the stack, while, `return` task directly hides it from call stack. Personally, I always prefer...