After changing `docker-compose` to `docker compose`, the error was gone `docker compose up -d` docker server version: 23.0.5 docker compose version: 2.17.3 docker-compose version: 1.25.0
In windows, try `shift + F5 ` to refresh in browser, maybe it works
I had the same error: `logging.cc:97: Unhandled exception: N5boost10wrapexceptINS_6system12system_errorEEE. what(): thread: Resource temporarily unavailable [system:11]` After making some changes to /etc/security/limits.conf,the error is gone `open file count user process count...
> > Hi @hejxiang , I used the command ulimit change the arguments. But it still didn't work. Is there any difference between using ulimit and modifying /etc/security/limits.conf to change...
Query by chinese and use a chinese model as the backend llm, like qwen, then the default output will be chinese