
Results 23 comments of heilwood

Display scale is 100%? If no, change to 100% restart PC and try again

Are you sure that no elements with same id exists somewhere else?

new Select is unsupported command. find your combo box and try to get text directly.

value pattern for this element is supported or not? i need to know what patterns this combo box supporting. You can check in inspect or UI verify

my code c# `public void SelectValue(IWebElement elem, string valueText)` ` {` `var cmb = elem.ToComboBox();` `cmb.Expand();` `var Actions = new Actions(_driver);` `var s = new Stopwatch();` `s.Start();` `while (!elem.FindElement(By.Name(valueText).Displayed) &&...

winium not working with web, only desktop

you should switch to chrome webdriver to work with WEB element, winium driver cannot.

just create instance of new ChromeDriver(); and work with you web elements, do not forget to close instance

display scale is 100%? ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/27227165/46717956-62c1b480-cc72-11e8-9c80-089bb3d2c75d.png) are you finding element in your application window? element with TextBlock1 can be also in another applications. driver.findElement(By.id("yourApplicationMainWindowIdWhereAllElementsIsPresent"))findElement(By.id("TextBox1")).sendKeys("dasdsad");