def getProxyList(): resp = requests.get('https:/name/api/proxylist.txt') return resp.text.split() ROTATING_PROXY_LIST = getProxyList() Same with json, you need to parse response of request as json
too abstract question, do you have any examples? Just find the id of your row and use selenium click method. UI automation is not related to unitetest, u need to...
try to press page down button until your element will be clickable and then click on this element.
if your element don't have scrollPattern then its impossible to scroll in different way
for me also not working, i'm using windows.forms.sendkeys class in c# for key combos.
if you would like to send Enter using actions or any other button you need to add to dictionary Modifiers and ModifiersMap keys which you want to use in class...
If you would like to have this in winium you should download source code of the project, add required keys to dictionary ModifiersMap which is in class Modifiers.cs, then compile...
@truptibhatt first thing that .build() reiquired when you have actions chain. for example: act.sendKeys(Keys.TAB).sendKeys(Keys.ENTER).build().perform(); if you have only one action you can use just perform(); I'm not sure that i...
This is c# code, but it will be easy to adopt to java, we are using standart selenium wait: protected void WaitUntilElementIsVisible(By locator) { var wait = new WebDriverWait(Driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));...
"Name: " also empty?