> > > 啊…我才剛回在另一個 android 13 的問題上…沒想到你剛好就修掉 android 13 的相容性問題了…方便請教你的修復方式是? > > > > > > 对于3.1.3基础代码,在Android 13上表现为Candidate View不可见,而不是像当前Issue中是color问题。不可见的问题我的修复方法是: > > [heiher@8fe862e](https://github.com/heiher/trime/commit/8fe862e737dd4f6d013b4b39312385632a738fe3) > > 了解…感謝回覆…看起來是一樣的方式…就是不懂為什麼會需要這樣就是了…XD 用了几天,发现这个workaround方法也不是特别可靠,有时还是会出现候选栏不可见(布局空间还占用的invisible状态)的情况,需要切换到其它输入法再换回来才能恢复正常。 在测试另一个workaround方法:https://github.com/heiher/trime/commit/6b98eb2418ea95fa252c6018bf53d89c75374e90 正规解法得分析framework里的InputMethodService了,有时间再看看,先保证基本能用再说吧。:P
@JohnTitor Could you please include this patch in next release? Thanks. https://github.com/rust-lang/libc/pull/3606
Could we skip CI and just add basic support like `ioctl` for now? We can add CI at a later time, such as when promoting to Tier 2.
There have a pure C coroutines implementation: https://github.com/heiher/hev-task-system ARM/MIPS and RISC-V ... architectures are supported.
No. Could you request to package it?
> @heiher I can package this. Any progress?
> Not yet, I'm waiting for your response. Can I package it for F-Droid? Of course. feel free to package it for F-Droid. Thank you.
libco是用在服务端的,可能暂时没有这个需求吧。 我有一个协程实现是支持ARM、MIPS及RISC-V等架构的,可供参考。 https://github.com/heiher/hev-task-system
@japaric A gentle ping. The [loongarch64-unknown-linux-gnu](https://doc.rust-lang.org/beta/rustc/platform-support/loongarch-linux.html) was added as a tier 3 target, would you review this patch again please?
> I believe this crate is no longer maintained since these types are now provided by `core::ffi`. Haha, thanks for your response. :smiley: