Heidi Vanparys

Results 17 issues of Heidi Vanparys

I came across this IETF Internet-Draft: [JSON serialization for Web Linking](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-pot-json-link/). This may become relevant if it is approved as an Internet Standard? > 1. Introduction > > There are...

progress: waiting for feedback/input
Part 1: Core

Comment in response to https://www.ogc.org/standards/requests/246: The document uses the term “feature” for what is usually called “[geographic feature](https://isotc211.geolexica.org/concepts/203/)” – feature associated with a location relative to the Earth – in...


Comment in response to https://www.ogc.org/standards/requests/246: - The definition of “attribute” can be made more concise. - The definition of “attribute type” seems to a definition of “attribute”? A proposal for...


Comment in response to https://www.ogc.org/standards/requests/246: The style of the figures is different in the section on Conventions and in the other sections, which is confusing. The same line and arrowhead...


Comment in response to https://www.ogc.org/standards/requests/246: Figure 7, Feature GeoPackage classes: ![Feature GeoPackage classes](https://github.com/opengeospatial/geopackage/raw/master/spec/conceptual-model/figures/features.png) Why are the following relations shows as realizations (I think, see also #622)?: - FeatureStore → EntityStore...


Comment in response to https://www.ogc.org/standards/requests/246: The logical model would be easier to understand if the associations would be described by a verb or a verb phrase (aggregations/composition (“contains” or “consists...


Is it common to zip GeoPackage files? If yes, should a media type, `application/geopackage+sqlite3+zip`, be registered for that at IANA? In that way, an API conforming to [OGC API -...

The log file contains several IllegalStateExceptions when an installation from scratch is done. See [log.txt](https://github.com/ec-jrc/re3gistry/files/7520196/log.txt) for all the log messages that were generated during installation. It didn't seem to cause...

Type: Bug
under analysis
Type: Support

What is the reason behind setting the field type of the field definition to `longtext´? https://github.com/ec-jrc/re3gistry/blob/012ad3bddde9d35c9beef4137cb4202e76c8da67/sources/Re3gistry2JavaAPI/src/main/java/eu/europa/ec/re3gistry2/javaapi/handler/RegInstallationStepCleanInstallationProcessHandler.java#L112 When adding an item via the GUI, for an item class using the field...

Type: Bug
under analysis
Type: Support

I recently came across the following "OASIS Committee Specification": Code List Representation (genericode) Version 1.0. Edited by G. Ken Holman. 06 April 2022. OASIS Committee Specification 02. https://docs.oasis-open.org/codelist/genericode/v1.0/cs02/genericode-v1.0-cs02.html. Latest stage:...

Type: Enhancement