Jeff Williams

Results 88 issues of Jeff Williams

(Disclaimer: I'll probably never actually do this.) Catharsis's parser is currently generated by [PEG.js]( from a parsing expression grammar. That seemed like a good choice when I made it. Over...

Catharsis' tests should include some really pathological type expressions, to make sure the grammar doesn't choke on them. We should also make sure we're testing the parser thoroughly, possibly using...


It'd be nice to have some performance tests, mostly to prevent significant performance regressions but also because people like benchmarks.


The `stringify()` method should accept `codeClass` and `codeTag` options, just as the `describe()` method does. Note to self: Update the `buildLink()` function in JSDoc once this is done.


In some type unions, you need to enclose function types in parentheses to disambiguate the return value (for example, `(function(string): boolean)|undefined`. We should support this pattern in Catharsis, at least...


In other words, make `jsdoc: true` the default.


For efficiency, Catharsis caches all of its parse results. Right now it caches all parse results indefinitely, which is not appropriate for a long-running process. Catharsis should use an LRU...


When JSDoc support is enabled, we should be able to parse type expressions like `...[string]` (a repeatable, optional parameter that accepts a string).


Right now, if you have a class with the `@hideconstructor` tag, the generated page for that class won't show the parameters to the class's constructor. However, the `index.html` page does...
