Date:2008-02-15 18:22 Priority:3 Submitted By:Dean Wampler (deanwampler) Assigned To:Dean Wampler (deanwampler) Category:None State:Open Summary:Need a mechanism to suspend advice execution, especially during advice itself Detailed description A common problem in...
Date:2007-09-18 18:24 Priority:2 Submitted By:Dean Wampler (deanwampler) Assigned To:Dean Wampler (deanwampler) Category:Advice handling State:Open Summary:Allow join points in an aspect to be "re-evaluated" Detailed description When an aspect is created,...
Date:2007-08-26 20:29 Priority:2 Submitted By:Dean Wampler (deanwampler) Assigned To:Dean Wampler (deanwampler) Category:Refactorings State:Open Summary:Refactor eql? implementations to more closely follow conventions in the Ruby std libs. Detailed description They probably...
Date:2007-08-26 20:18 Priority:1 Submitted By:Dean Wampler (deanwampler) Assigned To:Dean Wampler (deanwampler) Category:Pointcut language State:Open Summary:Support "MyClass#my_method" and "MyClass.my_method" as convenience options Detailed description I.e., after "MyClass#my_method" ... as a convenient...
Date:2007-08-26 20:13 Priority:1 Submitted By:Dean Wampler (deanwampler) Assigned To:Dean Wampler (deanwampler) Category:Advice handling State:Open Summary:Support unadvising anonymous aspects Detailed description Currently, to "unadvise" advice (remove it), you have to have...
Date:2007-08-26 20:03 Priority:3 Submitted By:Dean Wampler (deanwampler) Assigned To:Dean Wampler (deanwampler) Category:Advice handling State:Open Summary:Support user-defined advice precedence Detailed description This is a useful feature in AspectJ and will be...
and before/after advices Date:2007-08-26 20:01 Priority:1 Submitted By:Dean Wampler (deanwampler) Assigned To:Dean Wampler (deanwampler) Category:Advice handling State:Open Summary:Refine, as appropriate, the default advice precedence of concurrent around and before/after advices...
Date:2007-08-26 19:31 Priority:3 Submitted By:Dean Wampler (deanwampler) Assigned To:Dean Wampler (deanwampler) Category:Examples State:Open Summary:Provide example refactorings of ActiveRecord, other Rails libs. Detailed description Use Aquarium to refactor some of the...
Date:2007-08-26 19:56 Priority:4 Submitted By:Dean Wampler (deanwampler) Assigned To:Dean Wampler (deanwampler) Category:Pointcut language State:Open Summary:Add "context flow" constructs to the pointcut language Detailed description Add "context flow" constructs to the...
Date:2007-08-26 19:55 Priority:4 Submitted By:Dean Wampler (deanwampler) Assigned To:Dean Wampler (deanwampler) Category:Pointcut language State:Open Summary:Add conditional constructs to the pointcut language Detailed description Add conditional constructs, such as if, unless,...