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[RubyForge-13405] Support "MyClass#my_method" and "MyClass.my_method" as convenience options
Date:2007-08-26 20:18 Priority:1 Submitted By:Dean Wampler (deanwampler) Assigned To:Dean Wampler (deanwampler) Category:Pointcut language State:Open Summary:Support "MyClass#my_method" and "MyClass.my_method" as convenience options
Detailed description
I.e., after "MyClass#my_method" ...
as a convenient alternative for instance methods instead of after :type => MyClass, :method => :my_method
Simiarly, after "MyClass.my_method" ...
as a convenient alternative for class methods instead of after :type => MyClass, :method => :my_method, :method_options => [:class]
However, the distinction between '#' and '.' is probably too subtle and both should either be interpreted as instance methods (the most common case) or should be allowed to match either instance or class methods, whatever matches.
I think the Class#method
convention for referring to instance methods is sufficiently sell established in Rubyists minds that what you propose would be acceptable to most people. That is, I'd disagree with the 'However...'