Hector Centeno

Results 4 issues of Hector Centeno

For some reason it seems that any value changes for the Yaw, Pitch and Roll parameters do not get recorded in the corresponding automation track, even though the automation is...

help wanted

When trying to execute the script install-safmkl.bat on Windows 11 (Visual Studio 2022) it fails with the following error: `NMAKE : fatal error U1073: don't know how to make 'intel64'`...


I'm trying to get the ATK plugins to work in Max 7 (Windows 10) using ReaJS VST. Most of them seem to work except for binaural and UHJ decoding. I...


Using version 0.3.7 on Windows 10, the generated smoothness doesn't get set after pressing the "Set as Smoothness" button. I just changed the Final Bias setting and this is not...