Hector Parra

Results 5 comments of Hector Parra

Here you have the output of the command working (with `NO_BUNDLE_EXEC=1`) and failing (with `RBENV_DEBUG=1`): https://gist.github.com/hector/e9184820353d7f931f21 RBENV plugins I have installed: - rbenv-bundle-exec - rbenv-communal-gems - rbenv-gem-rehash - rbenv-use -...

Sure, add the attribute `data-direct-upload-url='/rails/active_storage/direct_uploads'` to the file inputs that you want to act as direct uploads. Remember you need to import the ActiveStorage javascript as suggested in the readme:...

`include_files` does not solve the issue about text files not able to be loaded, right?

I was just looking for that also +1

I post the temporal workaround I am using: ```ruby # Workaround for this problem: https://github.com/resque/resque/issues/1787 # Modify conflicting hooks (Resque vs ActiveJob) so that Resque hooks end with and underscore...