Results 5 comments of Furkan BIKMAZ

Okay, I found it. Undetected chromedriver module downloads the latest chromedriver on default which is incompatible with replit's chromium browser (both chromium and chromedriver must be the same version) so...

> How can i change path of the driver to location of replit's chromedriver, cause idk where's the chrome driver in replit is By running chormedriver --help on replits shell...

> @PhilipNiedzwiadek @sebdelsol @heckedbyfurki @aasharck Have u guys found solution for this error. Read my comment above

> @heckedbyfurki Hello i get same error + my chromium is 108.0.5359.94 and my chrome driver is 108.0.5359.71 and i set this by ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/83730616/221401781-5f5589cf-7337-4b06-a385-bbe58b019d2b.png) how can i download same version...

> @heckedbyfurki sir can u pls guide in steps how to solve this error. > Really sir I'm not get single step of improvement. - Include chromedriver and chromium on...