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drupal-console copied to clipboard

The Drupal CLI. A tool to generate boilerplate code, interact with and debug Drupal.

Results 141 drupal-console issues
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### Problem/Motivation The issue was filed because clearing the Drupal cache is an essential part of a Drupal developer's workday. ### How to reproduce Here are the steps which led...

### Issue title The *ISSUE-GROUP* should be one of: * `console` ### Problem/Motivation When running Drupal console i get: [ERROR] Class Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel does not exist. as well as: Drupal Console...

### Problem/Motivation As per [quick-start.html](https://docs.drupalconsole.com/en/commands/quick-start.html), I expect that `drupal quick:start` will download, install and serve a new Drupal project. Instead, I've got the error: ``` $ ./vendor/bin/drupal quick:start [ERROR] DrupalConsole...

### Drupal 9 composer install console is not able to pick the correct path through autoloader vendor/bin/drupal ### Problem/Motivation When I install Drupal console using composer, it installs successfully and...

### [generate:entity:config] _SchemaIncompleteException_ on Drupal 9 when using generated config entities ### Problem/Motivation Drupal 9 expects the annotation of a config entity to include a config_export key. See [Change Record](https://www.drupal.org/node/2481909)...

### Problem/Motivation Drupal 9 expects content entities to have some annotations for revisions defined. A generated content entity with console leaves a _InvalidDataTypeException_ after clearing cache. ### How to reproduce...

Patch proposal to add package-path option to allow the generation of modules outside of the Drupal webroot: https://github.com/hechoendrupal/drupal-console/issues/4118#issuecomment-707162051