drupal-console icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
drupal-console copied to clipboard

The Drupal CLI. A tool to generate boilerplate code, interact with and debug Drupal.

Results 141 drupal-console issues
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### Problem/Motivation The first time i run ```drupal cache:rebuild``` after bringing my docker container online, I get the following warnings: ``` [ERROR] Notice: Undefined index: init in Drupal\Console\Core\EventSubscriber\SendStatisticsListener->getCommandStatisticsAsArray( ) (line...

Annotation code in ExampleWidgetType.php has a sintax error, "module" line does not finish with comma. ``` /** * Plugin implementation of the 'example_widget_type' widget. * * @FieldWidget( * id =...

### Problem/Motivation The problem here is that clearing the cache runs after updating the database and importing config. However clearing the cache allows Drupal to register newly added php functions/classes...

[config:export] broken in 1.9.4 ### Problem After upgrading to console 1.9.4, `config:export` incorrectly calculates the directory path for the export files, creates those incorrect directories, and doesn't export any files....

[ `template` ] If translations and revisions are enabled, the entity controller template tries to output a link with the wrong route ID. ### Problem/Motivation If translations and revisions are...

### [generate:block:type] Error on generating block type Trying to generating a block type i'm getting the following error: ![block-type](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/423279/72064665-a32c3a00-32dc-11ea-856c-be7ae4444173.png) The resulting file isn't complete, so the command is failing now

Composer is a nightmare!! I have a Drupal installed using a composer command to install Commerce. This gives me a folder structure like: Top - vendor - web (Drupal docroot)...

###Export command not exporting storage yml files [ *config:export* ] Export skips certain content type fields when creating storage yml files. ### Problem/Motivation When attempting to export several content types...

### Problem / Motivation There is it seem to be some incompatibility of command `drush` and DrupalConsole. For this reason, we are going to remove `drush` command from Drupal Console...

### Problem/Motivation I can't export my config because of broken path. That's a big issue since `config:export` / `config:import` are two of my most used commands. ``` In Filesystem.php line...