Robert Pataki
Robert Pataki
Great news, thanks!
Hi again, sorry for not responding for a while. Here are the gems we use for the project (compass-ceaser-easing removed for now) ``` source :gemcutter gem "rake" gem "compass" gem...
@jhardy, have you managed to fix the issue?
OK, no problem at all. As soon as I have any new info I'll let you know straight away! Cheers!
Sorry I can't it's not public :(
Hi, I'm very sorry for not replying for a ridiculously long time. Thanks a lot for taking your time and pushing your code, I will have a look and implement...
In the next version the library is getting a proper revamp including a lot of improvements, which will completely rewrite the current jQuery plugin - making it a proper one.
Hi @kraftwer1! Thanks a lot for this, I will certainly have a look and fix it as soon as possible.
Hi @junickel, Good call, I will definitely add this functionality in the next release (hopefully very soon). Thanks!
Hi @pkalogiros, Thank you for taking your time and making the jQuery plugin, I haven't looked into it deeply, but it's looking good and the zooming feature sounds really cool!...